Okay!!! The last and final post on Goals.
There isn’t much left to say about goal setting other than to just do it. Who cares if at the end of the year you don’t make them all (or any of them)? The whole point is to have something out there to work towards.
I’ve set a full plate for myself next year. With all the research I did in 2007, I plan to do a monthly PRO article for my local writing chapter on things I’ve been researching to help me on my way to publications. With each of these articles, I plan to do a four-part series expanding on those subjects in my blog (you can only say so much in 800 words – the limit on length for articles in The Galley – so I needed this extra space to give out all the information I’ve found). For example – January will be on Critique Partners and up after that is Websites.
I also have set a goal to write two complete manuscripts. I didn’t succeed with this goal in 2007, but I know 2008 is going to be My Year.
Along with all this, I will be going back to school to work towards my Bachelor’s degree. Of course, I will still work full-time, spend time with my family (thankfully my husband will graduate with his Bachelor’s degree in May), full-fill my volunteer obligations for Georgia Romance Writers of America (coordinator for one or more genres in the Maggie contest, Registrar for the 2008 Moonlight and Magnolias Writers conference, 2007/08 GRW’s PRO-Liaison), and help with some of my DS’s school activities.
These are just a few points I’ve set up to happen throughout 2008. Some I’ll make, others I won’t. But at least I’ll have attempted them.
With all that said, I’ll make my wrap-up short and sweet.
Just do it!!!