Hi. My name is Tami and I am a writing procrastinator.
Sounds like something that needs a twelve step program, doesn’t it?
Here’s the thing. When I carve out a few hours from my seriously crazy schedule to sit and write, I find myself doing everything BUT writing. At this very moment I have four reviews left that I had planned to write by the end of May, a chapter for my group blog’s latest group novel, a the edits on my submission for the Maggies contest, and nailing down the outline for my current WIP. Plenty I could be working on, right? Lots of variety here if I get bored with something I could easily move onto another project without missing a beat.
Instead, I’m sitting at the computer, checking my e-mail, reading the various blogs I subscribe to on my Google Reader. Terrible isn’t it?
Well, since I now know the problem, I should be able to find a solution. Working on that.
In the meantime, here is a Mash-up of some of the great articles that have kept me from my writing goals… Just don’t blame me when you find yourselves just as engrossed as I was…
Okay, I couldn’t NOT post this blog link. Susan Sey has a new book out titled Money Shot. Susan blogs over the Romance Bandits about the problem with promoting a book with this title and a heroine named “Goose.” LOVE, LOVE this take and her explanation. The explanation alone had me hopping over to Amazon and pre-ordering the book (comes out June 7th). Can’t wait to read it.
I couldn’t help but love this post by Literary Agent, Rachelle Gardner, Are We Having Fun Yet? I will be perfectly honest and tell you that I’ve had those moments (quite often) where I wonder why I do this to myself. Why do I keep plugging away when it is like pulling teeth to make myself ignore that pile of laundry and sit my butt in the chair. I love her quote from an interview with Nicholas Sparks when asked if he liked writing, he answered truthfully with “No”.
Finally, I do have one complaint. I get really irritated with my local grocery stores for not putting the new series books out at the beginning of the month. I read blogs like this one from the Blaze Author’s blog about their new Hot Summer Reads and I get very excited about the selections. Only When I try to find them on the shelf at XXXX (store that shall not be named), I see the same ones from last month (which I already own most of). I know I should just run to the bookstore, but when a person is limited on time, grabbing a book during the evenings shopping is very convenient. I hate to say it but I think my Amazon account will be getting a ton of business because of this in the very near future.
Okay, that’s all I have for today. I guess I’d better fold this last load of laundry then sit down and write. Let’s hope nothing else gets dirty today…. 😉
Hey Tami:
I read that WSJ article, too. It is interesting. More importantly, I want you to write. We can distracted from it so easily, I know. Sometimes I just have to step away from FB and Twitter to get some work done. LOL. Maybe we can start Writer’s Anonymous!
Hi Alicia! I agree, I need to get my butt in the seat and start writing. I’ll definitely join that Writer’s Anonymous group. Maybe I’ll make myself a sign that says “step away from the internet!” Who knows. The reminder might work…
Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a terrific week.
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