This is another one of those Karma moments. Even though I’m a huge klutz and continuously spill or dribble food onto my clothes, I mocked my friends for using them. Really. How could they work? After all, it is detergent. I just knew it would leave a bigger stain around the original stain.
That is until I absolutely had to use one in order to save my favorite shirt. Silly me. I was eating a chocolate ice-cream cone while wearing a pretty gray silk shirt. Of course, I dribbled right in the middle of the blouse. I was devastated. My friend whipped out her Tide Stick and I was willing to do anything to save this shirt. We dabbed it on, waited for it to dry, dabbed again and viola. The stain was gone. And I was an instant convert.
I now carry one with me wherever I go and I leave one in each my desk drawers. I’ve even given them as gifts because I know how handy they really are.