Angels or demons? That is the question…
Welcome to the
Angels vs Demon’s Blog Hop!
We want to know: Angels or Demons…who do you want?
This was a toughie question for me. I’ve recently read books where both angels and demons are the heroes and/or heroines and they have both been awesome! There is NO WAY I could choose one over the other at this point.
So I grabbed my friend, Marilyn Baron, and asked her. Of course, she might be a little bit biased since she writes an AMAZING angel series. 🙂
Marilyn:For me, it’s All Angels, All the Time. I definitely favor Angels. My publisher at TWB Press calls me The Angel Whisperer because I’ve published three short stories with the angel theme: A Choir of Angels, Follow an Angel and The Stand-in Bridegroom. Check out my stories and the neat video the publisher created for me.
The HOP is hosted by:
When does it start?
The hop started this morning, Thursday, June 28th at 12:01 am and ends midnight Sunday, July 1st.
What can you win?
Not only are there two prizes being offered from this blog, but there are also TWO GRAND PRIZES.
Book Summary:
“Eden Eastman is giving up on love. Despairing she’ll ever find her soul mate, she flees New York City for the Atlantic coast of Florida where she hopes to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. When an angel on a mission drops into her 5th floor condo, all Heaven breaks loose.”
2) An E-book download of In Her Wildest Dreams by ME! ME! ME! Tami Brothers (Official release date June 25th)
Book Summary:
“How does an average, forty-something woman rationalize a short fling with one of Atlanta’s Most Eligible Bachelors? By telling herself no one would ever know and since he’s moving, she would never see him again. What could go wrong?” **Sorry, no angels or demons in this story. Unless you consider a hunky contractor with a knack for setting a wicked seduction scene an angel. Or would that be a demon? Hhmm… You might just have to decide for yourself.**
***And don’t miss out on the GRAND PRIZE for the hop!***
Each blog will have its own giveaway, PLUS we have TWO grand prizes.
1) ONE Commenter from the blogs will win a KINDLE TOUCH
2) A second Commenter will win a $60 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card!
Yep! We’re doing THAT MUCH. You can comment on 1 or all 103 and be entered up to 103 times for the grand prizes.
How do you enter?
Simply fill in the Rafflecopter information below. There are 6 chances to win for this blog,
1 mandatory entry and 5 optional chances.
1) Sign up for my newsletter (*note* I do NOT SPAM my readers, nor do I sell the entry information. This is simply a quarterly newsletter and the occasional GOOD NEWS notification system.)
2) Like Marilyn Baron’s Facebook page
3) Like my Tami Brothers Author Facebook page
4) Friend me on Twitter
5) Follow Marilyn Baron on Twitter
6) Become one of my Fellow Beach Bum friends via Google Friend Connect (on the right sidebar)
Don’t forget to ALSO enter for the GRAND PRIZES being offered by leaving a comment WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS below!!!!
You can tell us which do you prefer? Angels or demons…
a Rafflecopter giveaway
As an added BONUS and to THANK YOU for simply stopping by, I’m giving everyone a FREE download of my Halloween short story, Drool Worthy. You can find a link to the book at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble. It’s not an angel or demon story, but I thought it was a fun, short read. I hope you do, too.
Thanks a ton for stopping by on your Angels vs Demons Blog Hop stop. Now HOP on over to the others and good luck!!!
Very cool, Tami. I love Marilyn’s Angel stories. If you’re looking for a quick, feel good read, they’ll give you a smile and warm your heart. 🙂
Always prefer Demons!
liquiddemize(at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks Linsey, much appreciated. I’m working on a new short story, still humorous, and supernatural, with a surprise, happy ending, but this time with a demonic twist.
Love it! Nice pictures.
I’m working on a demon book with angels, too. I really like angel hero!
Thanks for commenting, Grace and Jesse.
Marilyn Baron
Tried to do the Rafflecopter thing, but I’m already signed up for your newsletter and it just stops there. I think I’m signed up/following/friends of everything else.
Oh, and to answer your question, I prefer Angels. Kinda depends on the story and how it’s written.
DEMONS!!! I love the internal battle within ones self between love and the evil. What a great giveaway thanks 🙂
Charity Costa
Thanks for participating and the eye candy.
thanks for participating in the hop!!! enjoy!!!
Great hop!!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Demon every time 😉
Demons for me!
That’s a toughie. Depends. I guess I like angels by day and demons by night 😉 Oh, what the heck, I’ll say angels!
Demons but I am always looking for a ‘nice angel’ too :).
Demons ,they are so interesting. Deb P
Wow! What a great response! I wish you ALL the best of luck with this.
I’m seeing quite a few demons in this list… I guess that says a lot about our love of “bad boys”.
Maxine, love your response!!!
“angels by day and demons by night”
Very cool!
I love both Angels & Demons. I know I should not want both, but I do.
Snarky, smarty-pants Demons, please. I love me some bad boys!! LOL
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I want both! I love bad boy demons, but also have much love for naughty angels.
I pick Angels. Gale pgan427@yahoo.com
I love demons and fallen angels.
jlhmass at yahoo dot com
I signed up for your newsletter, liked the fb’s and followed in twit, lol.
To answer the question do I prefer angels or demons, I have to say I like them both–depends on the story.
I want both. Oh the things I could do with both an angel and a demon.
I want both!! 2 is better than 1 right?!? A little Nice and a little Naughty! Can’t get any better.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Great sounding books..demons for me!!!
I love bad boy/warrior angels.
isabelli3619 (at) aol (dot) com
Love bad boy demons and fallen angels!
Love those pics!!! Team Demon!!!
Demons are the ultimate bad boys, and I have a major “thing” for bad boys, so I’m definitely a Demon-snuggler!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
GFC: BookAttict
Wow! Lots of demon votes out there!!! Come on ladies. I know there are some angel lovers out there somewhere… 😉
Thanks a ton to all those stopping by. One more day!!!
I prefer demons.
I like angels, but I love demons 🙂
I like them both, but I prefer demons, especially those with a bit of a soft side. I particularly like Al from Kim Harrison’s Hallows series
Love the sight and the hop.
I must pick and angel and a demon. One for each arm…
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
I must say I prefer demons 🙂
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for participating in the fun hop! Today I am choosing angels:)
I like demons.
Fallen Angels! Okay, maybe demons. I love bad boys! 😀 Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
Wow! I added up the comments and it looks like the Demons have won hands down. It must be that Bad Boy appeal.
Thanks a ton to all of you for stopping by. I totally appreciate the support!