Hey Everyone!!!
I am having the busiest of years… With school and moving and working on the new house, everything else is set at the bottom of the pile.
I did want to stop over here and congratulate Walt and Tamara on doing so well with the Summer Writing Challenge. You both are a huge inspiration… Tamara, I would have commented on your post but can’t seem to find where you posted it (I saw it via the e-mail response I get whenever someone posts something). I hope everyone else is doing as well or (like me) at least surviving life enough to look forward to future writing…
I also wanted to give a shout out to my friend, Devon Gray. Hop on over and check out her newly updated website. Very sexy and I’m anxiously anticipating the release of her first book in August…
That’s it for me today. Hope you are all having a great month and keep coming back. I love hearing from all of you…