Hi Everyone!!! Welcome to the New Authors Blog Hop!!! What a fun idea. I can’t wait to read some of the books I’ll discover through the various links and add some new authors to my “must read” list.
I’m just getting started on this wild ride of publication. At the moment I have one short story posted over at Smashwords (which you can download for FREE!!!). My second book, Jasmine’s Quest, will be released in December.
Until then, please enjoy Drool Worthy, a short story written with a Halloween theme. No spooky ookie scare your pants off story for me. Just a sweet introduction between a pastry chef and the sexy gym owner in a small middle Georgia town.
Will all-work-and-no-play keep Marianne from finding a great guy? Or will the pastry chef be in exactly the right place when opportunity walks through the front door?
Drool Worthy is a FREE short story in eBook format and can be downloaded at the following locations:
~~What people are saying about Drool Worthy~~
~ What a sweet story! Ms. Brothers captures that first thrill a woman feels when she becomes aware that the guy she’s attracted to is attracted right back – the first shiver of excitement that gets the romance rolling. ~ Pamela Mason
~ I enjoy a well written novel that is clean and carries a good story line, this is one of them. ~ Jason Richardson
~ Drool Worthy is a fun story with delightful characters. Ms. Brothers has a great “voice” in her writing and writes a fast-pace, tale where not only the goodies made in her bakery are drool worthy, but one of the shop’s visitors is too. She holds your interest from beginning to end. ~ Maxine Davis
Along with the FREE download, I’ll be giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card.
All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter on the right sidebar. Leave a message and let me know that you entered. Winner will be chosen December 1st.
Okay, onto the next author. Just click on the photo below and you will hop back over the to the Word Diaries post.
Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous Thanksgiving week!
Hey, Tami. I popped over to see how to set things up for this hop. I’m a hop virgin. *ggg*
Just picked up my free copy of Drool Worthy! Looking forward to the read! I’m giving away freebies on my site too; hop over if you’re interested. https://writegirl-writegirl.blogspot.com/ 🙂
Drool Worthy sound great! I’m going to dash over to Smashwords right now.
Thnak you for the free copy! I entered!
emilymeimei204 AT yahoo DOT com
Whew!!!! Hi everyone! Just got back from vacation in Washington DC. My phone would not let me leave a message…. GRRRRR….
Anywho. Thanks to all of you for stopping by. I will definitely be hopping over to your sites as well.
Thank you!!!
Stopping by on the hop trail 🙂 sounds interesting. Sometimes I feel like work work work seems to keep me too busy from social life as well 🙁
Drool Worthy sounds good – will see if I can work out how to download it. Nice to be following you 🙂
Love the Blog site. Have just visited Smashwords and downloaded your free eBook. Thanks!
Drool Worthy is a very cute story with a happy ending. I enjoyed it. Good luck on your next release, Tami!
Drool Worthy is downloaded & added to my ridiculously long TBR list.
Congrats on the up coming new release.
Signed up for the newsletter as: drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
Drool Worthy sounds like a cute read. And it has a pastry chef. I love baking! ^^
Good luck with your book.
I’m a subscriber & I’m on my way over to score a free copy of your short story. Thanks! Gloria Schumann
geschumann at live dot com
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by. I have been neck deep in moving stuff. We sold our house and are scrambling to get the temporary digs set up while we pay down debt and build a new (smaller) house on some property we own. Everything came together VERY fast. 🙂
AGain, thank you all for stopping by. I will try to get to everyone’s blogs and sites ASAP!!!
Finally stopping by from the New Author Blog Hop. Congratulations on your book.
I am already a newsletter subscriber.
Thanks for the great giveaway! I’ve got your story downloaded on my Kindle. I do “like me” a romance! I’m also a new newsletter subscriber.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who stopped by and left a message. I really do appreciate the support and I wish you all the very best in everything you do.