As you can see, Wednesday Review is a day late. AGAIN!!!! I originally had it set to publish yesterday. In fact, it was posted. Of course I found an error when I was reviewing it, logged in and corrected it, THEN hit save instead of publish. Thus, the darn thing went into my archives and removed it from the live blog. SORRY… Of course, I was doing this as I was headed out to work, so I didn’t view the blog again to verify the change had been made. Definitely learned my lesson (I hope…).
On the plus side, I was able to get my post to work over at the Petit Fours and Hot Tamales blog. I boldly went where I’ve never been before and looked at the world of On-Line dating. That was fun and I had some wonderful comments. Head over there and check it out, but don’t forget to read the comments as well. Reader Pam had some great stories to share about her experience with on-line dating.
Thanks a ton for your patience!!! I am truly sorry….