I first want to apologize for not sticking with my weekly blog plan. This was my second week at my new job (I LOVE saying that) and I’m still trying to figure out a schedule with that, school, family and all the other. I didn’t get my Wednesday Review up last week because of this crazy busy schedule. I can say that I am editing my Wednesday post as we speak and hope to be back on track. I won’t promise to be, but I will say that I am trying.
I’m happy (and a bit sad) to say that I finally put In Her Wildest Dreams aside. I have been stuck in revision hell for the past year on that story. After some really good contest comments, I thought I was on my way to that elusive goal of publication. Of course, it was better at evading than I was at catching…grin…
That’s okay, though. It’s definitely time to move on. I wouldn’t let myself focus on the new stories until I was finished with Dreams and ended up avoiding writing completely. With this new resolve, I hope to get back at it (soon).
I hope you are having a great week. Check out some of our fabulous authors over at Petit Fours and Hot Tamales. I’ll be blogging this Wednesday and would love to see you there. Have a great week!!!