Welcome to the
Second Day of
Annie Rayburn’s Georgia Romance Indie’s Blog Tour!!!

Monday was the first stop on Annie’s blog tour at
Pamela Mason’s blog. Pamela started the tour off with a
fabulous review of
Phantoms & Fantasies. Definitely check it out. I love Zeenie and Turk’s story and Annie’s introduction of the Crainesians world. You can read my thoughts on all three of Annie’s books
Today I get the pleasure of interviewing Annie and digging a bit deeper into some of the things she holds dear, as well as learning more about her characters.Let’s get started with the interview!!!
Annie Rayburn is the pseudonym of
Carol Burnside, whose works have placed and won several romance writing contests. Annie is e-published, traditionally in short stories, and self/Indie published. Her latest release from Red Sage is
Bittersweet Obsessions (June, 2011), an erotic romance with sci-fi and paranormal elements. Learn more about Annie and her books at
(Tami) Regardless of my
love/hate relationship with the Evil Queen, I’m a huge animal lover. With that in mind, some of my favorite
Carol Burnside blog posts revolve around your dogs (see posts
here and
here). Are there any new stories you care to share about them?
(Annie) Oh, you know my household is full of testosterone between Hubby and three male dogs. Just like characters in our books, each dog has his own unique personality. Beau is over 10 years now and we call him the old man because he’s slowing down. He spends most of his days indoors with me during the summertime. Even people who don’t like dogs end up petting Beau. He’s a great dog and the only one we let share our bedroom.
Murphy we call Switzerland because he’s neutered and easy going. No tiffs with him regarding territory or jostling for Top Dog status like with
the other two. He usually requires a nightly petting session, but prefers his wire kennel for safe sleeping.
Guinness is still energetic and a bit heavier than Beau now, so he’s a handful. If I stay up later than Hubby, Guinness stays up with me because it makes him feel special. After a good head scratching from Mom and a big hug, he flops down and snoozes until I’m ready to retire. Then he kennels too.
All three are great hunting dogs with different strengths, according to hubby. To me, they’re just big ol’ huggy hounds.
(See pix: Beau & Murphy and Guinness-Dec2009)
(Tami) You’ve moved around the country quite a bit and as someone who has also experienced multiple moves, I know how tough it can be to move a personal library full of books. I’m curious as to how big your personal library is and what are your thoughts on the eBook revolution?
(Annie) Oh, the boxes and boxes of books I’ve gotten rid of over the years! Move after move, I’ve downsized my book collection. Then I get more. But now I have a Kindle–yea! Hubby can’t complain about the tons of books I have because more frequently these days they’re electronic, just like my books: Insight, Phantoms & Fantasies, and Bittersweet Obsessions.
(Tami) I LOVE all three of your Crainesians books. As you can tell from my Sexy Saturday pictures, I’m a visual person. Can you share with us a little bit about each of your heroes and your vision of what each of them looks like?
(Annie) Thanks, Tami. I’m so glad you like my work and the Crainesian world! I’ve enjoyed many of your Sexy Saturday pix.
Halloween is approaching, so I’m concentrating my promo efforts on Phantoms & Fantasies.
Why? Because Zeenie and Turk’s first date is on Halloween, and it’s a day that holds nightmarish memories for her. I’m a visual person and always try to find inspiration for my characters. My inspiration for Turk was Ingo Rademacher (Jax on General Hosp). Turk has great hero attributes. He’s strong, but kind, patient and controlled when he needs to be (like with Zeenie), yet he’s no pushover. He knows what he wants and goes after it with determination and a level head. Plus, he’s got a killer body and is major eye candy. LOL
mething I don’t know if I’ve shared with anyone to date: my inspiration for his best friend, Cooper (Coop) was Heath Ledger.
Pictures (J)See attached IngoRademacher & Heath_Ledger
(Tami)You knew I had to mention Klaus from Bittersweet Obsessions… Oh do I love that guy. I know you told me he will have his own book. Can you tell me us when we can expect to see that? What else are you working on?
(Annie) Oh, okay, since you twisted my arm so nicely, we’ll talk a little bit about Klaus. I must say, he’s (understandably) popular with readers! I can’t say when his book will be available to purchase because I haven’t turned it in to my publisher yet. It’s still in the WIP stage, and he and Jacqui are struggling with their individual conflicts.
Here’s a tiny excerpt from a very unpolished Chapter One of their book (untitled thus far) which shows Jacqui’s first glimpse of Klaus. At this point, neither knows how their lives are about to be entangled.
She wasn’t in the habit of encouraging men in bars, especially in a foreign bar, but something about the guy sitting alone at a two-top made Jacqui risk another look. He had the look of a lean athlete, and the face of saint, but the inky sweep of hair brushing his shoulders suggested bad-boy. She suppressed a smile. The all black attire didn’t exactly say angelic either.
In the corner, a local band wailed their cover of a popular song, adding to the din of voices and laughter. Her best friend, Marnie nudged her arm with an elbow and leaned in to be heard. “I say go for it. He’s a Crainesian with mystery and angst written all over him. Probably a poet or one of those artistic types.”

“Who?” Jacqui did her best to look confused, but Marnie just shot her a get-real. She sat back, big hoop earrings swinging below a shaggy cap of tiny ringlets. Between dusky, multi-ethnic skin, a wide, easy smile and a fashion sense that leaned toward exotic, Marnie had no trouble finding a companion for the evening when she wanted one.
“Oh, don’t play coy with me. We both know you’ve been ogling that dark angel for the last ten minutes.”
Excerpt Klaus/Jacqui WIP, © 2011.
(See attached photo Marcus_Schenkenberg_myKlaus)
Awesome interview, Annie!!! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your blog tour. You and your books are awesome! I wish you all the very best with your writing now and in the future. 🙂
Where in the world will Annie Rayburn go next???
***Queue world map***
Thursday – Mary Marvella at the
Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers gets the honor of interviewing the hunky Turk from
Phantom’s & Fantasies. (Oooohhhh! I’ve got a few questions I’d like to ask him, too. 😉 )
Friday –
Linsey Lanier is hosting a fun game of
Spin the Bottle. Which Craney would you kiss? (me shouting Klaus’s name!!!!)
Saturday – Annie wraps up her tour
over at her personal blog with all the names of the commenters throughout the week and the number of times they commented. She will also be posting the winner of the
BIG prize,
semi-precious heart pendants and necklaces encased in their own wooden jewelry box.

Don’t forget that Annie is also one of the founding members of the
Petit Fours and Hot Tamales group blog. Head on over there
TODAY to read another stop on Annie’s tour. Remember, comment in ALL tour stops for a chance to win a free download of one of Annie’s awesome Crainesians books.
Don’t forget that each comment gives you a separate entry for a chance in the
BIG drawing taking place Saturday at
Annie’s personal blog. I LOVE these pendants.
See you all there!
What beautiful dogs! I really enjoyed getting to know more about you here, Annie.
Did I hear that you’re working on a sequel to Bittersweet Obsessions?
A story with …oh… Klaus, hmmm?
Great interview, Tami! I feel like I know you better now, Annie. And I love your dogs! I never was a dog person until Karma showed up on our doorstep. Now I can’t imagine life without him. I’m having fun our on your blog tour. See you again tomorrow!
LOL, Pamela, and Yes, I’m working on Klaus’ story.
Hi, Pam A. I wasn’t much of a dog person until Hubby insisted on us having one. Now they’re part of the family. Love your dog’s name. Thanks for stopping by!
Popping in to say “Goodmorning” and can’t wait to have you visit my blog tomorrow morning.
Love the pictures of your dogs…brings back memories of my Dobermans years ago when the kids were smaller. Now, if I brought a dog into the house, well, Master Jack (my cat) would have a hissing fit.
Let’s get the word out on Facebook and Twitter and keep this party going!
Love your dogs. I enjoyed reading about their different personalities. My boys are nine years old. Although they are twins, their personalities are like night and day. They are my babies and spoiled rotten.
So do you prefer your story craft and other reference books in print or on the Kindle? Personally, I would rather have in print. My library is getting a little too big, so I might have to get accustomed to e-book form.
Tami, Annie,
I’m enjoying this blog tour.
Marilyn Baron
Hi ladies! Don’t you just love Annie’s dogs? Great names. I was hooked tthe first time she mentioned them.
And Klaus…. What can I say? I am really looking forward to reading his story.
BUT after reading Annie’s post at the PF&HTs blog today, I can’t wait to read her interview with Turk in Phantoms & Fantasies tomorrow at Sandra McGregor’s blog. He is just such a great (and sexy) guy.
Ok, back to work. Will check back in later today.
Again, thank you Annie for adding my blog to your tour. 🙂
Woops. Excerpt tomorrow at Sandra’s and interview at Mary Marvella’s Pink Fuzzy Slippers blog on Thursday. Oohhh and that spin the bottle game at Linsey Lanier’s blog on Friday. What a great week. 🙂
Love the interview! Also the doggie photos. Have fun on your blog tour 🙂
Sandy, my eldest brother used to have Dobermans too. Regal dogs. Until recently, we also had a 17-yr-old cat in the house. She ruled her kingdom. There was no question who was in charge. LOL
I agree on getting the word out. I’m FBing and tweeting like mad. Thanks!
Thanks, Tami. Would you believe, I’m still wrestling with that interview? Yikes. Must get that to Mary…
Thanks, Carol K. I dropped in on your blog yesterday. Keep up the good work!
Tammy S: I’ve bought one or two craft books for Kindle, but mostly I prefer those in book form so I can highlight and flag. To be perfectly honest, I’m not much of a craft book person. Too short of an attention span, I’m sorry to say. But give me an interesting craft workshop and I’m there, taking notes like mad. 😀
Good to see you here!
Thanks for dropping by, Marilyn!
I too love your dogs, Carol. My Honey girl would be flirting with your Beau, as she’s mature also.
For my birthday, hubby brought me a Kindle. I’m so excited. I don’t like rwading on the computer. Downside, it’s being delivered in November. Still, soon I get to download your Craineans soon. I’m looking forward to it as I’ve heard such wonderful thing about your books.
Sia, I’m excited that you’re getting a Kindle. Bummed that it’s awhile before you get it, but anticipation can be a good thing. Just ask my characters. 😉
Carol/Annie, great start to a blog tour! Love the puppies, even though I’m a cat person and I’m headed over to PFHT here in a bit. You’re absolutely right, “anticipation can be a good thing.”
Check ya later and much success!
juleejadams (at) gmail (dot) com
A big wave to Pamela, Pam, Sandy, Tammy S., Marilyn, Carol K, Sia and Julee!!!!
Thank you all for coming out and supporting Carol/Annie. She’s an awesome lady and these are incredible books.
Hey Annie! Can’t wait to read the excerpt over at Sandra’s blog tomorrow. 🙂
More Klaus? Woo hoo! Can’t wait.
This is my 2nd comment. Don’t have any idea where the first one floated off to. Anyway, I love the Crainesians and I love your inspirational pictures. No wonder you write hot.
I’m a dog person, too. Tillie is mine – or I guess it’s more correct to say I’m hers!
That’s right Michele. More Klaus tomorrow – a small unedited excerpt.
I know what you mean about Tillie, Maxine. Half the time I feel like a slave to my hungry hounds. Hungry for food and individual attention.
Glad your second try at commenting stuck. 😀
Hi Michelle and Maxine!
Maxine, I found your comment in the next post along with Mary Marvellas.
So you guys are good. 🙂
Sorry I’m late to the fun. Netnet didn’t like me earlier. I love the guys. You always pick and write hot ones. I can’t wait to read more about Klaus.
Susan Carlisle
Heart Surgeon, Hero…Husband?1/12
Thanks, Susan. I’m glad you like my taste in guys.
Thanks to everyone who dropped by to keep me company. Today’s winner is CAROL KILGORE!
Congrats, Carol. I’ll e-mail you.
Yay Carol Kilgore!!!!
Thanks a ton to everyone who came out and commented. We had a blast yesterday.
Don’t forget to head on over to Sandra’s blog to read an excerpt from Phantoms & Fantasies.
Tami, thanks so much for being a gracious hostess and allowing me to commandeer your blog for a day. I had fun touching base with so many.
Let me know when I can return the favor!
Loved the interview. I live in an all testosterone home too! Hubby, nephew two dogs and a cat (all male).