I’m here – but not really. Finals week!!! Six tests in four days….
Hopefully, if I have any hair left, I’ll check back in later in the week. Until then, if you have any questions for Trish or any of my other fabulous bloggers, post away. One of us will get back to you!!!
(back to the books – and not the good ones….)
Good Luck Tammi! I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly!
Sorry I spelled your name wrong. I was so excited that you are almost done that I added an extra ‘m’ for magnificent.
Good luck and I take my hat off to you. And no I’m not dialing the phone for the men in the white coats but really….
It’s trying to get published enough punishment for you?
Hey Rachel and Devon,
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I was wondering myself if I’d made some horrible mistake this semester….
But, I’m finished with 5 tests. I have 3 more left. I know, I said I only had 6 this week. Well, I was wrong. The instructor for my one on-line class (which had the most homework per week than (not sure if this is the correct usage for this word but my brain hurts too much to look it up) my other five classes combined) posted the wrong test. So, we have to retake that one.
The other two are take home tests. Which, in my opinion, end up taking more time than the in class ones. Oh well. Three typed pages for Biology of Humans and one assignment on Excel and Access and I’m finished…. Woohoo!!!
Too bad my writing ended up on hold this month… And yes, Rachel, I do believe I’m INSANE for taking this on right now. Or so my husband keeps telling me… I can only hope that 2009 will be a bit calmer. (I think I say that every year…)
Have a great day to you all.