Do you know how hard it is to stick to a healthy diet??? I was talking to my DH at work the other day and he told me he was eating a candy bar. I advised him that I was doing a terrific job of eating healthy with my trail mix. When we compared calories, his candy bar had less calories than my “healthy” snack. WTF????
I really wish I would have eaten that darn candy bar instead. It would have tasted a whole lot better…
After a little slip on Saturday, I’m still at it… (but that candy bar sure sounds good right about now)
You think that’s hard? Try doing it without gluten! See the bottom of that pyramid? Remove it. Now what the whole thing fall over. LOL
Yes, healthy eating is not as easy as it sounds, no wonder so many people give up and go for the fast food.
P.S. I hear I might be catching up with you in May!
Hey Rachel. I can’t imagine giving up my bread and pasta. That would definitely make things harder…
Great to hear from you!!! I’ve tried to comment on both of your sites several times. It just won’t let me. Not sure why. Do you have any ideas???
Yep, I really want to get with both you and Devon in May. Can’t wait… Let me know the dates so I can arrange everything around school, work and the family…
Have a great week and please let me know why I can’t comment on your sites…
You know…there is a way to get back at the hubby. I say you buy him a whole bunch of candy bars. Before you know it, you’ll be the one eating the candy bars again and he’ll be stuck with carrot sticks. 😉
Too funny!!! I should do that, but then I’d probably be over at his desk (we work in the same building) asking if he still had one of those candy bars handy….