Welcome friends from GRW. I hope you are here because of my comments at the meeting today and I’m thrilled to get this chance to visit with you.
If you are here for the Summer Writing Challenge, you are more than welcome to sign up under the post for this Friday. That way everyone can comment and wish you well….
If you are here to learn more about the guest bloggers I mentioned and learn more about why we think you should have a Website even if you are an unpublished writer, click on the link that says Websites under the labels section in the lower right hand side of the blog. This should bring up 12 posts on the subject.
Again, I thank you for taking the time to hop over here and check this out. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.
Have a great day.
My May Challenge with CataUniversity was a big bust! I joined on a whim – not a good idea. I’ve come to the conclusion that unless I’ve already planned to have a big writing push and a personal goal/reason for more push than usual, it doesn’t work for me.
Currently, I’m writing, but it’s interspersed with contest entries. Those seem to take an unreal amount of time, making sure every little detail is followed in the instructions, etc. And by contest entries, I mean that if all goes well, I’ll have 9 entries in before June 15th. After that, we’ll see.
Wow!!! That’s great, Carol…
I intended to enter a few this year. Then that darn school got in the way. My writing ended up getting stuck on the back burner for a short time. Darn it…
But keep going. We gladly welcome you over here!!!!